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Honestly, I think quite well. But I think overall, metaverse, I guess these days, people are focusing primarily on VR goggles and then certainly AR goggles as well. And our position is quite well, primarily WLO and also LCoS. Now admittedly, our exposure to VR is less than that to AR. And AR, I mean, it¡¦s more challenging as a product, although it¡¦s a lot more exciting, even successful, right?
So I think the whole industry is still fighting through the battles of conquering the engineering variance, trying to deliver something that consumers will go like, wow, right? So I think we are still going through that. In fact, our WLO in particular, we have projects covering 3D sensing for VR devices, and waveguide and 3D sensing for AR devices. And I mean, obviously, I cannot disclose the details and specific end customer names, but if you¡¦re talking about some, if not all of the biggest names in the tech world. They are working very closely with us. However, I don¡¦t think much will materialize in next year. I will be very honest about this. And that is why we decided, given the limited time and space, we decided not to mention much about it in our prepared remarks.
And likewise for our LCoS, bear in mind, it¡¦s only applicable for AR. And of course, we are focusing on a lot of other things because we are working very hard with a few big names for AR goggles. So we also understand the technical challenges. And so that¡¦s why we actually put a lot of our LCoS effort into other areas such as HUD for automotive which are making good progress. However, given the nature of automotive, the real mass production with real volume will be few years away. And telecommunication, WSS, so switch device, areas such as this. But yes, AR goggles, we remain active player, but we feel it is we -- also understand there¡¦s a lot of hype, short-form hype recently, but we feel there may be some time to go before they really materialize
google Glass?
google Glass?
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