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會員:阿威10140483 |
發表時間:2020/5/28 上午 09:31:06
第 8769 篇回應
請問昨天有哪位大大有參加股東會。能否幫忙節取公司談話的重點,或者提供錄音檔,感謝。 |
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會員:小企鵝10142872 |
發表時間:2020/5/28 上午 09:28:18
第 8768 篇回應
TO 野鶴大 公司的公告已經說時程了 也就是沒有優先審查 不需要期待 |
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會員:野鶴10143507 |
發表時間:2020/5/28 上午 12:17:45
第 8767 篇回應
FDA送件後74天是哪天,好像就這幾天了?大概應該會有啥消息? |
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會員:向錢走10137837 |
發表時間:2020/5/27 下午 08:48:43
第 8766 篇回應
5/27股東會決議事項: 6.重要決議事項五、其他事項:
私募普通股及/或私募海外或國內轉換公司債案 |
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/26 下午 12:27:25
第 8765 篇回應
勝訴是利多是肯定的 版上分享的的相關資訊,高層是偏向還是讓AOP賣藥,只是合約重談 沒有看到版上說高層有其他的說法或其他選擇和考慮
合約重談就是分潤增加啦 是利多! |
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會員:小企鵝10142872 |
發表時間:2020/5/26 上午 10:24:40
第 8764 篇回應
春和景明大大 您的研判 跟AOP的訴訟 到底是勝訴是利多? 還是敗訴是利多?
敗訴當然就是維持原狀 勝訴就可能衍伸很多狀況 1.跟AOP重談 2.找其公司談? 3.自己搞 |
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/26 上午 09:55:46
第 8763 篇回應
www.fda.gov/drugs/coronavirus-covid-19-drugs/coronavirus-treatment-acceleration-program-ctap 144 active trials of therapeutic agents Another 457 development programs for therapeutic agents in the planning stages
這麼多CTAP藥物,如果不是輕症第一顆藥,那P1101是有多少優勢? 我在政府網站看到一個新冠肺炎國際上臨床試驗藥物之我國相關專利資訊 裡面的藥物絕大部分是小分子藥...... P1101很大可能性,競爭者會是小分子藥
P1101可以做預防性投藥?阻止惡化? 所有的治療藥物都是這樣啊,P1101沒什麼特別的 只要有效,藥,都可以預防性投藥、預防染病、阻止惡化 川普前一陣子說吃了很久的羥氯奎寧,也是說是在吃預防染病
日本曾稱讚一款哮喘治療噴鼻劑「Ciclesonide」對於COVID-19的治療 而這個Ciclesonide已經開始做COVID-19臨床了 Ciclesonide在台灣的健保藥價只有448元喔
有人很羨慕生華科,能和NIH簽約,那是一般研發藥物比不上的(NIH不看好干擾素唷) www.senhwabiosciences.com/tw/platform?guid=1492479596 而且Silmitasertib(CX-4945)是小分子藥物,價格上將來也是比P1101有競爭力
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/26 上午 01:45:11
第 8762 篇回應
只要高層決策穩健不躁進,這三五年在PV上就能有很好的回收了, 近期最大的利多或利空是歐洲的訴訟仲裁
只要有其他小分子藥物很快研發出來, P1101的價格是比不上小分子藥物的,有很大的可能性P1101會變成是只有幾個月市場壽命的藥物, 在美國保險絕對是優先給付低價小分子藥物,病患想用P1101會有很多關卡,價格無優勢推廣也會不易, 輕症,也就是像感冒一樣的症狀,難說服病患花大錢去治療。
如果臨床失敗,這些錢當然是肉包子打狗有去無回, 假設臨床失敗,高層硬要再次實驗或做合併藥物改攻重度, 那就要看高層到底是看到什麼東西這麼有自信(不會再失敗), 這兩倍(已失敗一次)的研發費用可以賺得回來。
民眾可以是笨蛋,而政府不會是,有經驗後,假如有所謂疫情再次爆發,相信能也很快的控制住,像韓國就做得很好 看各國的罹病人數,那是過去式,那是第一次爆發時各國政府反應措手不及產生的罹病人數 在政府對疫情各種政策的防堵下,這些數字相信未來不會再有 未來市場不會有想像中那麼大的,未來疫情會控制不住的會是那些發展中國家, 那些國家原本醫療資源就不足,也用不起P1101這類高價藥物。
COVID-19是全球公衛重大事件, 藥廠已經再拼藥物和疫苗,疫苗出來後各國一定也會拼疫苗接種,拼全國70%至90%人口有抗體。 www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action?nid=78479 一般人很輕忽的流感,美國接種率40%上下,台灣也差不多, 未來COVID-19疫苗要拼70% up,不難。 輕症有小分子藥物的競爭加上疫苗普及,COVID-19輕症就不是可以賺一年以上的適應症了, 和小分子藥物競爭,有很大的可能性P1101會變成是只有幾個月市場壽命的藥物, 我個人認為,沒有相當把握, 有利潤高的MPN疾病藍海可以穩穩賺,就不要去跟別人湊熱鬧做COVID-19
治療的藥物研發是比快的 公司有掌握到其他藥廠研發進度嗎? 對於進度有相當把握嗎? 藥華的資料彙整和藥證申請,沒有自己專業的團隊還要透過其他專業公司,速度是快不起來的!!! 股東不要對公司說的預估太樂觀,藥證申請去年說會年底申請,最後變成3月才送件, 很多次承諾都是延後的,COVID-19輕症市場就不要想藥華能夠拼第一了, 股東沒辦法掌握到其他藥廠研發進度,就不要過於樂觀COVID-19輕症市場, 只要有其他小分子藥物競爭COVID-19輕症,有很大的可能性P1101會變成是只有幾個月市場壽命的藥物!!! 公司沒能快速反應,像B肝C肝一樣收案太慢,最後可能就是白花一筆臨床費了。
自己賣,投入龐大的資金擴大組織和通路,賣只有幾個月市場壽命的藥物? 2月的時候已經對美國子公司增資3,000萬美元 那COVID-19不就得再投入更多? 兩倍的資金? Gilead在2020第一季的財務報表,瑞德西韋的花費為5,000萬美金(約新台幣15億,包含產線與臨床試驗的費用) 那藥華輕症臨床和行銷加一加自己賣是不是可能會花上一億美元? 是否會排擠ET臨床費用? 未來得再增資? 資金投入回收得了? 為了賣只有幾個月的藥而擴大組織和通路,會不會太浪費? 幾個月後賣不好,通路就會收掉裁員吧?
我個人覺得,穩穩賺利潤高的MPN疾病藍海就好了,COVID-19不一定能成功,競爭者和各國疫情控制病患人數等市場變化很大, 募資不容易,不要隨便拿股東的錢練經驗。
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會員:小企鵝10142872 |
發表時間:2020/5/25 上午 09:52:27
第 8761 篇回應
乾脆請光頭來這邊當大股東好了 我看股價基本盤就會破250
到底是外面的人沒有眼光 還是裡面的人被欺騙
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會員:向錢走10137837 |
發表時間:2020/5/25 上午 09:36:04
第 8760 篇回應
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會員:猜想10148412 |
發表時間:2020/5/23 上午 10:48:31
第 8759 篇回應
有枝大 可以按滑鼠右鍵 , 請Google翻譯
另有篇刊登在Blood的P1101治療MF臨床益處的論文供參 Clinical Benefit of Ropeginterferon Alfa 2b (P1101) in Patients with Myelofibrosis NOVEMBER 29, 2018
僅供參考 謝謝大家! |
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會員:盧有枝10149122 |
發表時間:2020/5/23 上午 09:39:18
第 8758 篇回應
有些股友真的很專業也很用心,可以收集到很多國外醫療資料。 只是我英文程度真的很差,實在是看不懂∼ 有人可以幫忙簡短的翻譯一下嗎? |
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/22 下午 11:56:09
第 8757 篇回應
補上一篇連結 Mesa Provides Perspective on Diagnosis and Treatment in Essential Thrombocythemia
Jessica Hergert Published: Wednesday, Apr 15, 2020
Ruben Mesa, MD The diagnosis and treatment of patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) can be complex and should include thoughtful discussions with patients, explained Ruben A. Mesa, MD, who added that ongoing research will help augment the advances that have been made to date.
The science is evolving to allow us to try to understand and predict which patients are likely to progress, said Mesa. Are there any markers of progression early on? Then, does that give us any insight as to which therapies we should be using or developing to try to prevent progression in the majority of patients with ET?
Importantly, patients who achieve stable disease are unlikely to develop complications from ET, unless they progress, explained Mesa.
If we keep patients from progressing, they will live out their normal lifespan, Mesa said. The avoidance of progression is a key goal because we still have a scientific gap in terms of having enough information to develop rationally designed drugs to block disease progression. However, I think the future is indeed bright.
In an interview with OncLive, which was part of our OncLive on Air podcast episode, Mesa, director of the Mays Cancer Center at UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, discussed the current state of ET treatment, the challenges of diagnosing the disease, and available educational resources for healthcare providers and patients.
OncLive: What is the natural history of ET?
Mesa: Patients with ET have a disease that, in the short-term, can lead to elevated blood counts, a risk of blood clots or bleeding, and, more rarely, enlargement of the spleen. How ET affects an individual can be very different from how it affects another on the basis of whether there is a significant risk of blood clots or bleeding, whether that’s how we found the disease to begin with, and what the individual’s risk is in the future.
Second, there is a risk of the disease progressing to an advanced phase, which we call myelofibrosis, or rarely, to acute leukemia. Fortunately, the majority of patients with ET will live out their normal lifespan. The minority of individuals have progressive disease. However, even in those patients who do live a normal lifespan, we need to be mindful of controlling their disease to help minimize the symptom burden and decrease the risk of blood clots or bleeding.
How do you approach the conversation on diagnosis with your patients?
The discussion we have around ET is a complex one because ET is technically a cancer; it is technically a leukemia. It is a clonal neoplasm, but its behavior is quite different than what people associate with [a cancer diagnosis].
First, I try to frame [ET] as a chronic disease. There are many other chronic diseases that patients are more familiar with such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and high blood pressure. These are different diseases, but they are chronic conditions that we don’t typically have a cure for (光憑這點就覺得Mesa 是非常典型的西方醫學, 不了解營養學與東方在高血壓或其他慢行病的治療方式). While there is a subset of patients who pass away from complications from those diseases, the majority of patients will live out their normal lifespan. [Those chronic diseases are] a fairly good analogy for ET.
A lot of education needs to occur [when a patient is diagnosed with ET]. Perhaps it can all be done within the first visit, but the patient might be overwhelmed, or lack sufficient insight into the disease that to be able to cover all the points in the first visit. It is important to be mindful of what we know and what we do not know.
[Historically], patients with ET may have been told that their life expectancy was 15 years. While that is probably true, it is a little misleading because the average age at which we diagnose ET is in the mid-60s. That average life expectancy of 15 years is the average life expectancy in the United States. Therefore, while the number is true, that doesn’t mean that patients are passing away from ET.
It is important to realize that when you are visiting with a patient, this is likely the first time they have heard anything about a disease like this. They don’t have a frame of reference, so you need to be cautious and clear in terms of trying to explain it in a way the patient is likely to understand.
Then, I revisit the key parts of that discussion every time I visit with my patients because sometimes it takes a few visits for them to become familiar with the disease, and to frame some of the online reading that they may be doing in parallel with our discussions
What are some of the challenges of diagnosing myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and, specifically, ET?
The diagnosis of an MPN begins with a suspicion that is based sometimes on a blood clot that occurred in an unexpected location. We know that [patients who have] blood clots in the portal venous system [or] various unexplained thrombotic events have a much higher rate of having an MPN.
Most commonly, [our suspicion is based on] a finding in the peripheral blood, [such as] clear erythrocytosis, elevated red blood cell count, unexplained elevated platelet count, or more rarely, an unexplained elevated white blood cell count, or splenomegaly.
Over time, we have had a greater level of diagnostic certainly with the discovery of the JAK2 V617F mutation that can now be easily tested for by peripheral blood, as well as the less common but important calreticulin or MPL [driver mutations].
One of the challenges that remains in 2020 is that there is still reluctance to obtain a bone marrow biopsy from individuals who have been found to have an increased blood count and a JAK2 mutation.
In particular, this relates to ET because the majority of individuals who have a JAK2 mutation and thrombocytosis will have ET, but not everyone. These individuals might have associated MPN or myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative overlap syndromes, such as refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts or chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CML), or they may have early myelofibrosis.
Even more rarely, there have been individuals who have CML and have a small incidental JAK2 mutation that was present as well. I do find the diagnostic work-up for ET is sometimes incomplete. There may be individuals who we assume have ET who really have a [related] disorder, which may have important implications in terms of choice of therapy and/or prognosis.
What is the standard course of treatment for patients with ET?
In ET, the key treatment goals are to try to control the patient’s symptoms, get their platelet count below 400,000, decrease the risk of blood clots and bleeding, and have the therapy be well-tolerated. We also want to avoid disease progression, but that can be difficult to quantify.
Typically, the first therapy for patients begins with a baby aspirin; almost everyone receives it. After, our current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines list hydroxyurea, interferon alfa-2b, or pegylated interferon, as available options for the frontline treatment of patients with ET. These treatments are not technically approved by the FDA, but they are available and efficacious. They have not been compared head-to-head in randomized clinical trials.
In ET, they appear to be relatively equivalent with some differences in toxicity. There may be a slight advantage with interferon in terms of avoiding disease progression.
In polycythemia vera, where there have been further randomized studies, it is probably clearer that interferon is slightly better than hydroxyurea, but I wouldn’t say it is dramatically better.
In some cases, [the amount of these] medications [that is needed] to fully control the counts can lead to unacceptable adverse events. There are individuals who will feel better with a little bit of 2 agents as opposed to a lot of 1 agent. All of these agents have a dose-associated toxicity profile. Sometimes a lower dose is better tolerated.
It is all part of trying to personalize therapy to an individual to decrease their symptoms, control their blood counts, and manage the toxicity.
What resources are available to physicians and patients to gain more knowledge of MPNs?
There is good educational information out there online and at in-person events such as national meetings.
Online, there is great content from Patient Power, OncLive, Physician’s Education Resource, and TotalCME. There are many robust platforms. [We should be discussing] updates [with our patients], [as well as having] case-based discussions regarding new options, how they are applied, and how to balance challenging situations [with them].
Medicine is art and science –– that has been well-recognized. The science is knowing what the options are. We know for ET that includes hydroxyurea, pegylated interferon, perhaps a JAK inhibitor like ruxolitinib (Jakafi), or even other chemotherapeutic drugs. We know drugs like trastuzumab (Herceptin) or pembrolizumab (Keytruda) [are not part of] our arsenal.
The art of medicine is knowing what [therapy] to use in which patient, adjusting it in the appropriate way, knowing how long it takes to see a response, and asking the right questions of the patient to understand whether they are tolerating the therapy.
In a disease like ET, [we should] strive to get to a plateau where the patient feels reasonably well. Then you watch them and adjust therapy if needed. Once an individual reaches that plateau, they may remain in it for many years. [That’s important because we know] achieving stable disease state is important in a disease like ET.
Where should ongoing research efforts be focused in the space?
Without question, we know there are clear unmet needs in ET. There are still patients who progress or those on our available therapies who have unacceptable toxicities or little response.
There are several therapies in development. Ruxolitinib has been in phase III trials for patients with refractory ET in an attempt to define the role of ruxolitinib in patients who have more difficult symptoms like splenomegaly and who have progressed on hydroxyurea. Second, pegylated interferon alfa-2a, which is commonly used in the United States, is not FDA approved. I’m co-leading an international phase III trial with a new interferon—ropeginterferon alfa-2b—which is evaluating the benefit of that agent as second-line therapy compared with anagrelide (Agrylin) in high-risk patients who progressed on hydroxyurea.
Third, there may be benefit from LSD1 inhibition. There is a clinical trial that will be tested at [UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center], as well as another company-sponsored study for patients who have refractory ET.
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/22 下午 11:47:25
第 8756 篇回應
Ruxolitinib fails to improve outcomes for high-risk essential thrombocythemia: Ruxolitinib did not demonstrate superiority over best available second-line therapy among patients with high-risk essential thrombocythemia, according to result of the randomized, phase 2 MAJIC study published in Blood
但是 奇怪的是, 本篇 Dr. Mesa Provides Perspective on Diagnosis and Treatment in Essential Thrombocythemia (Published: Apr 15, 2020 @ OncLive)
作者其實對 P1101 在 PV 臨床對 HU 的表現不像歐洲那般人熱情, 看看下面 #2 他怎麼說P1101 ... 最後一段 #3 又提到他是 P1101 ET phase3 的 co-leader.....[心裡總覺得這樣評論 P1101 @PV 的所謂 KOL 是否比較歡 家咖啡 J...K...f
#1 Typically, the first therapy for patients begins with a baby aspirin; almost everyone receives it. After, our current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines list hydroxyurea, interferon alfa-2b, or pegylated interferon, as available options for the frontline treatment of patients with ET. These treatments are not technically approved by the FDA, but they are available and efficacious. They have not been compared head-to-head in randomized clinical trials…….. And There may be a slight advantage with interferon in terms of avoiding disease progression.
#2 In polycythemia vera, where there have been further randomized studies, it is probably clearer that interferon is slightly better than hydroxyurea, but I wouldn’t say it is dramatically better.
#3 Q: Where should ongoing research efforts be focused in the space? Ans: There are clear unmet needs in ET. There are still patients who progress or those on our available therapies who have unacceptable toxicities or little response. There are several therapies in development. Ruxolitinib has been in phase III trials for patients with refractory ET in an attempt to define the role of ruxolitinib in patients who have more difficult symptoms like splenomegaly and who have progressed on hydroxyurea Pegylated interferon alfa-2a, which is commonly used in the United States, is not FDA approved I’m co-leading an international phase III trial with a new interferon—ropeginterferon alfa-2b —which is evaluating the benefit of that agent as second-line therapy compared with anagrelide (Agrylin) in high-risk patients who progressed on hydroxyurea
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/22 下午 11:27:22
第 8755 篇回應
Mesa Discusses Next Steps in Myelofibrosis? (Published: Mar 24, 2020 @ OncLive) www.onclive.com/web-exclusives/mesa-discusses-next-steps-in-myelofibrosis?p=1
這號 KOL 看法是 ....MF 下一步還是僅靠一些所謂的抑制劑...但卻無視干擾素甚至不知道他主導 P1101 MF Phase2 (2020/03估計要結束) 的結果又如何? 為何還沒發表結果ㄌㄟ? clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02370329?cond=P1101&draw=2&rank=4
Recently, we did an updated analysis looking at a stringent criterion for defining what constitutes ruxolitinib failure and found that there is about one-third of patients who have a clear response in terms of splenomegaly and burden symptoms with fedratinib if they failed ruxolitinib.
Q:Are there other therapies under investigation in this space? A:There are multiple therapies under investigation as second-line therapies either to be used alone or in combination. Some of interest include a BET inhibitor, which is working on the pathways at a variety of different levels and is particularly helpful for patients with the ASXL1 mutation.
There were some favorable data from the MANIFEST study showing that BET inhibitors alone or in combination could be helpful. There is even some data looking at using it in combination with JAK inhibition in the frontline setting……. There is one on AVID200 looking at TGF-ß. That is a phase I study so we are hopeful that it will be active.
We still do not fully understand why patients progress……
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/22 下午 11:16:04
第 8754 篇回應
Ruxolitinib Discontinuation in Myelofibrosis Leads to Increased Morbidity Burden, Underscoring Unmet Need (Published: May 18, 2020 @ OncLive) www.onclive.com/web-exclusives/ruxolitinib-discontinuation-in-myelofibrosis-leads-to-increased-morbidity-burden-underscoring-unmet-need?p=3
In this study, the median time to ruxolitinib discontinuation was 284 days, with a median follow-up after discontinuation of 70.9 days.
For many patients, that benefit of ruxolitinib is not long lived. The median time to discontinuation is approximately 3 years, and 85% of patients discontinue by 5 years. Although [ruxolitinib] is a huge step forward in the treatment paradigm for myelofibrosis, there are still clear unmet needs.
The study highlights the fact that across a large claims database, in a patient population that‘s validated and has adequate data, whether [patients] are above 65 or [younger] than 65, the outcomes [with ruxolitinib] are poor. ~ There’s high morbidity 發病率 in terms of cytopenias and the mortality rate 死亡率 is poor, as well. These data just highlight the fact that there’s an unmet need here for additional therapies
大家可以多留意有些所謂的 MPN KOL 持續讚揚 一個無法治癒疾病的Jakafi… (身為MPN病人真的很無奈 ....) 刻意忽略像 Weill Cornell Medicine MD Richard T Silver MPN center 在網頁上訴諸的數十年干擾素良好經驗的事實 (干擾素 @ PV/ET/MF) 及忽略像Hans Hasselbalch在 MPN Research Foundation 大聲疾呼 的An Open Letter to the MPN Community in the United States . 下面這兩個網站連結, 有空可以去瞧瞧 .... silvermpncenter.weill.cornell.edu/patients/treatments/interferons www.mpnresearchfoundation.org/interferonHasselbalch2014
想想看, 如果一個可能有一定比率可以減少 JAK2, 甚至治癒 PV的藥 (Ropeginterferon) 表示可以一定程度減緩疾病的惡化成AML/MF.... 等疾病, 所以 (Ropeg)interferon 有可能是被一些人認為是擋人財路的藥 .... 想想看, 6446 或 AOP 是否也要加速 MF 適應症臨床 解救目前只能無奈服用 Jakafi的 MF 患者? |
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會員:Alan Liu10136094 |
發表時間:2020/5/22 下午 02:09:07
第 8753 篇回應
針對病友團體 MPN Interferon Forum - (Myeloproliferative Neoplasm) 今日對於藥華藥新一代干擾素Besremi 目前討論內容, 翻譯如下供各位投資先進們參考, 謝謝。
Karen Fox Lesler Hi all. Just started ropeginterferon today. Had been on Pegasys over a year ago. Just wanted to know If the side effects are similar or less brutal. Thank you. Karen:大家好。今天剛開始使用藥華藥新一代干擾素ropeginterferon進行治療。這一年多以來我是使用羅氏干擾素Pegasys。想知道副作用兩者是否相似或較低,謝謝。
Emmanuelle Deschutter Hello, where do you livre? Emmanuelle:請問你住哪?
Karen Fox Lesler Emmanuelle Deschutter hi. I live in the UK Karen:Emmanuelle,我住英國
Emmanuelle Deschutter It is not available yet in the US where I live. Please let us know how it goes! Emmanuelle:我在美國尚不能使用,請讓我們知道它狀況如何!
Karen Fox Lesler will do Karen:Emmanuelle,我會的
Wendy Chai:追蹤中
Ida Idic I am 9 months at Besremi and tolerate well. Pegasys I heve not tried. Ida:我使用Besremi 治療九個月了,耐受性良好,我沒用過羅氏干擾素Pegasys
Mary Cotter Ropeg is not available here in the US. I am very interested in your experience. How is it dosed? Amount? Frequency? What is cost or your insurance reimbursement? Inquiring minds need to know! Mary:藥華藥新一代干擾素ropeginterferon在美國還不能用。我對您的治療經驗非常感興趣。像是劑量大小?數量?注射頻率?費用或您的保險核銷狀況?真心想了解!
Barbara Bartholomew We want you to tell us! We can’t get ropeg and many plan to switch from Pegasys when we can. Barbara:我們想聽您分享,我們無法得到藥華藥新一代干擾素ropeginterferon而這有很多人計畫要從羅氏Pegasys 換過去使用。 |
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會員:小正正10142326 |
發表時間:2020/5/22 上午 07:57:55
第 8752 篇回應
一、在英國已有病患使用ropeginterferon(參照MPN ,interferon forum;Hi all. Just started ropeginterferon today. Had been on Pegasys over a year ago)。(此病患用藥從hydroxy→Pegasys→ropeginterferon)(好像2013年診斷為ET、2017年診斷為PV)
二、Polycythaemia vera is a rare condition, with an estimated prevalence in the UK of 6.05 per 100,000.If these prevalence figures are applied to the midyear 2017 population estimate of 66 million, there are around 4,000 individuals with polycythaemia vera in the UK. According to Hospital Episodes Statistics for England, there were 11,571 admissions in 2017-18 for‘polycythaemia vera’. The median age of people presenting with polycythaemia vera is 60 years and the estimated median survival is around 14 years.
The aim of treatment is to reduce the risk of thrombosis and haemorrhage, minimise the risk of transformation to acute leukaemia and myelofibrosis and manage complications such as thrombosis and pruritus. The British Committee for Standards in Haematology recommends a range of treatments including periodic venesection (bloodletting), interferon, hydroxycarbamide, anagrelide, radioactive phosphorus or low dose busulfan. In addition, melphalan has a license for treating polycythaemia vera in the UK.
治療的目的是減少血栓形成和出血的風險,將轉化為急性白血病和骨髓纖維化的風險降至最低處理並發症,例如血栓形成和瘙癢。英國人血液學標準委員會建議一系列治療方法 包括定期的穿刺術(干擾),干擾素,羥基脲,阿那格雷,放射性磷或低劑量白消安。此外,melphalan在英國擁有治療真性紅細胞增多症的許可證。
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會員:投資紀律10145266 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 04:15:08
第 8751 篇回應
1. 年報P6. 109年度經營方針無B肝計畫,僅有C肝計畫(C肝預計109年完成三期) 官網的Pipeline也早已把B肝和C肝拿掉,僅剩D肝(原本計畫的B+C和B+D也不見了)
最後在P95. B肝上註記轉成IIT試驗
2. ET方面:ET若順利取證,因AOP已取得P1101於歐洲MPN領域之授權
謝謝 |
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 03:18:36
第 8750 篇回應
我覺得不要對所謂高層有過多的想像 很多高層也會做笨決策
藥華是第一次賣藥,沒有大藥、小藥市場的宣傳費用估算的經驗 資料都是別人給的 藥華沒有賣藥經驗,怎可能判斷別人給的資料有多少水分存在?? 別人給的資料肯定是很樂觀,賣藥新手能賣到資深藥廠的銷售額?? 這評估可不是要和藥華買授權的藥廠給的資料 真的要談授權肯定資料會很實際 而所謂的專業諮詢多少都會灌水 紙上談兵和實際操作通常差距很大 去看看每年分析師對FDA核准的新藥銷售預估就知道了 分析師預估的銷售和實際銷售額有好幾億美元的差距是很平常的事情
一般藥物販售大約四年達到市場高峰,但COVID-19只要有疫苗出來,市場肯定縮小很多 兩年後輕症市場根本不會那麼大 而且其他低價小分子藥上市後,高價的P1101賣得動??
臨床上千個病患,不是錢嗎? 銷售推廣費也是錢,可能只有幾個月市場壽命的藥物,臨床費用怎麼回收?? 推廣費怎麼回收?? 想授權其他藥廠? 其他藥廠沒那麼傻花大錢買只有幾個月市場壽命的藥物
募資不易,錢要省著花 既然還沒申請就不要申請了 有利潤高的藍海就不要去跟別人湊熱鬧做COVID-19
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會員:送報的10148886 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 03:14:45
第 8749 篇回應
藥華干擾素用於新冠狀肺炎治療or預防or減緩避免重症. 其實不一定要在美國(大概FDA已經嚴重塞車.排不進了). 歐洲.日本.台灣等只要有正規的臨床研究.最好能在期刊.醫學年會發表.. 對於在PV ET等適應症的推廣...+++++++++++分.
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 02:59:54
第 8748 篇回應
專注於PV美國藥證較實際 |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 02:52:04
第 8747 篇回應
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會員:ken10148595 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 02:22:46
第 8746 篇回應
請問一下, 是從哪裡知道.....藥華干擾素已經申請FDA緊急授權
會員:Linbad10148532 發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:30:48第 8744 篇回應 藥華干擾素已經申請FDA緊急授權 |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:39:50
第 8745 篇回應
干擾素治療新冠狀肺炎有效或是沒效 及通不通過FDA緊急授權 才是重點。
資金如洪水,淘淘不絕 不想自己做,也可授權啊!拿授權金也是不錯
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:30:48
第 8744 篇回應
總要有後續消息吧! 不能夠無聲無息,就消失了
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會員:only10135877 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:26:44
第 8743 篇回應
看看生華(重症市場)想想藥華(輕症市場人口數十倍或預防市場)只要敢 勇往前衝 資金不是 問題(到時授權給別人做也是方法,股價衝高後再行增資也是辦法),所以藥華應盡快提出新冠的臨床 到時股價衝高 市場買單 一切都不是問題了 |
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會員:小顏10147871 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:10:34
第 8742 篇回應
公司經營層每個都是行家,也比我們都在行 會這麼作一定有其用意,就交給公司去布局吧 |
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:02:10
第 8741 篇回應
不要說在COVID-19上藥做出來是種宣傳 藥華自己賣,還要額外投入一筆宣傳費在治療COVID-19上的療效 而且通路和孤兒藥不一樣,宣傳費肯定是PV宣傳費兩倍以上起跳 把COVID-19的臨床省起來以及再投入宣傳治療COVID-19的費用省起來 集中在PV上,以及ET臨床 COVID-19臨床的錢加上宣傳治療COVID-19的費用,省下的錢就可以把PV賣得很好了 有利潤高的藍海就不要去跟別人湊熱鬧做COVID-19 COVID-19藥證拿到搞不好疫苗也出來了 |
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會員:小顏10147871 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 01:00:10
第 8740 篇回應
公司沒說要賺冠狀病毒市場,我的看法 公司是借此證明p1101能吃pv疾病的二線市場。 |
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會員:盧有枝10149122 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 12:55:12
第 8739 篇回應
1799言之有理∼ 只能耐心等待∼明年藥證 希望一切順利如公司預期。 |
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 下午 12:39:25
第 8738 篇回應
治療的藥物是比快的 「罕見兒科疾病優先審查憑證」是可以轉讓的 市場上這個憑證平均交易金額超過1億美元 這一億美元的交億是將10~12個月的審查縮短到六個月 大藥廠願億用一億美元換六月的時間,就知道比對手早上市有多重要
藥華的藥證申請,自己沒有專業的團隊還要透過其他專業公司,速度絕對快不起來 再來藥華的藥是蛋白藥,光是在成本上就無法和其他小分子藥物競爭了
中國有一個國產的,特寶的派格賓,是一週一次的干擾素 這家公司要做臨床肯定比藥華更快有結果
版上喊著干擾素對COVID-19的好療效 但Pegasys有申請臨床嗎? 有錢賺Pegasys為什麼不做實驗?? Pegasys在專業上各方面一定比藥華快
clinicaltrials.gov/ 上怎沒看到Pegasys在COVID-19的臨床??
大廠沒動作 中國有一個國產的,特寶的派格賓,也沒臨床
版上說有效的就只有各家醫院自己做的臨床資料..... 有錢賺大廠為什麼不做實驗??
要有自知藥華在COVID-19的臨床在收案和資料整理送件的時間上比不過大廠 價格也比不過小分子藥物
再想想,有錢賺Pegasys為什麼不做實驗?? 為何沒看到特寶的派格賓的臨床?? 人家算盤算得很精 光成本上就無法和其他小分子藥物競爭了 輕症需要收上千個病患,我想這花的錢就算做出來也只是丟水溝無法回收
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會員:盧有枝10149122 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 上午 10:19:51
第 8737 篇回應
股價黑黑的,真的不給總統面子∼ 請問公司募資進度如何了? 擬送……FDA無聲無息 ! |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 上午 09:45:15
第 8736 篇回應
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會員:ken10148595 |
發表時間:2020/5/20 上午 09:26:54
第 8735 篇回應
被超車了~~ 加油!! 怎麼這幾天這麼沒力!!
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會員:davis10149298 |
發表時間:2020/5/19 上午 11:08:22
第 8734 篇回應
藥華藥4年前在真性紅血球增生症( PV)臨床三期試驗中,發現部分病患在使用Ropeginterferon alfa-2b後,除紅血球數量趨於正常外,過高的血小板數量也明顯下降。因此,公司決定遞交ET三期臨床的計畫案。
藥華藥Ropeginterferon alfa-2b ( P1101) 之原發性血小板增生症(簡稱ET) 三期臨床試驗計畫已獲美國 (FDA)核准通過。預計2~3年完成。 |
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會員:先進10000164 |
發表時間:2020/5/19 上午 12:32:24
第 8733 篇回應
L大/S大 和氣生財,大家來此是希望投資藥華藥得到更多的訊息與財富,今日氣今日畢......二位大哥言合,希望明日藥華藥突破頸線125元 |
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會員:starya10147863 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 10:12:51
第 8732 篇回應
R兄 先說明我的立場 對於我花錢所投資的公司 若有人不懷好意地去用消息面操控散戶 造成我帳面上的損失 我想我一定有義務要站出來捍衛自己的荷包及自身投資的公司 投資有很多種 放消息吃散戶便宜是最糟糕的事 投資者大可觀察籌碼面 技術面 基本面去默默的賺錢 若您是這種人 就值得我的敬佩 最後 在這裡抱怨 進而影響到其他投資人 然後造成你自己的損失 你思考一下你這樣的做法聰不聰明? 投資歸投資 還是祝你的家人身體健康 大家發大財~
=========== 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 08:02:06第 8729 篇回應 人,輸在脾氣,贏在和氣,衷心希望各位和氣生財! Starya您到亞獅康看看咱與天命地對話,咱可是[苦守寒窯18年],後來一念之差將重倉4743換成6446重倉, 然後今天看到二家的表現,6446仍處虧損,不免埋怨一番僅此而已, 家人健康出了點問題,這是個人在此最後一貼,最後還是衷心希望各位和氣生財! 健康就是財富,沒了健康你也枉然!
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會員:Alan Liu10136094 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 09:48:31
第 8731 篇回應
分享病友團體 MPN Interferon Forum - (Myeloproliferative Neoplasm) 一位使用 Besremi 進行治療的病患討論內容, 茲翻譯如下供各位投資先進參考。
Reinis Draugs Guys i have trouble... ive drinked cola from one bottle with friend which have been diagnosed with Cov19 two days after... Are there any resistance factors because of Interferon therapy?? I am on long interferon for about 3 months... and i am quite worried. What do you think?? Reinis Draugs:朋友們,我有麻煩了,我從朋友那裡喝了一瓶可樂,結果兩天後被診斷出新冠肺炎,干擾素治療是否能產生任何抵抗力?我使用長效型干擾素治療約3個月,我很擔心,大家怎麼看?
Debra Seiter They say that interferon may help. I would self quarantine, hydrate well, and keep your hematologist and general doctor informed. Good luck friend Debra:他們說干擾素是有效果的,如果是我會自我隔離,補充水分,並且隨時聯繫我的血液學醫生以及相關醫生,祝您好運,朋友。
Beth Berrio Call your doctor Beth:打給醫生
Steven: Hi Reinis, below is the link from company who made Besremi, FYI.
Reinis, 以下連結是製造新一代長效型干擾素Besremi 的連結, 請參考。 www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2020/04/17/2003734745?fbclid=IwAR2sT4wE1VE9EHrpJqxlKju5QP9zpKqZ9qfH8lfRVjNtJ44vaA2-Qch0IO0
Reinis Draugs thank you Sir. Its exactly that i am on. Reinis:感謝, 我正是使用Besremi 進行治療。
Judi Marash I would assume not, just to be on the safe side and take all proper precautions. Judi:我認為沒有, 還是一切安全至上且採取一切適當的預防措施.
Jason Rappaport Yes there is however still get tested and let your physician guide you. Interferon is actually a treatment for COVID 19 Jason:是的,干擾素是有效的,但是仍然需要進行臨床測試,並且讓您的醫生指導您進行治療。干擾素實際上是治療新冠肺炎的方法
Susan Day Phillips Has anyone heard whether peg-intron might possibly offer any slight protective factor? I’ve heard a couple different things. One theory is that peg intron could cause increased cytokine storm, which is not good. Other theory is that it can offer some protection against the virus. Susan:有人聽過長效型干擾素peg-intron也許能提供輕微的保護機制嗎?我聽到了以下幾種說法,其中一種說法是,長效型干擾素peg-intron可能引發體內細胞因子風暴增加,這是不好的部分。另一種說法是,它可以提供人體某種對於病毒的保護機制。
Margaret Hutchinson Susan Day Phillips ... I understand the theories but I definitely would not count on the theory that it may offer protection whatsoever. ( My haematologist also confirmed ...) If only it could be a solution to other problems Take care Margaret: Susan, 我理解這些理論,但我不會當真,我的血液學醫生也這麼說。除非它能解決其他問題,請保重。
Jacky Whitfield Asked my Haematologist and she said no. OMG why would you share a drink bottle. That’s been taboo in New Zealand for years because of meningitis and many other risks, not to mention covid 19. Stay safe, isolate for at least 2weeks and get tested if you unwell. Jacky:我問了我的血液學醫生,她說沒有。老天,你為何要共用飲料。由於腦膜炎和其他風險,這多年來在紐西蘭一直是忌諱,更不用說新冠肺炎了。請保持安全並隔離至少2週,如果身體不適,請接受檢查。
Bonnie Hawes Braun There are so many treatment for covid. Even jakifi. So far none have been mentioned or used. Bonnie:關於新冠肺炎有很多種治療方法,甚至連JAKAfi也是一種。但到目前為止,沒有人提到或使用過它治療。
KiKi Lee Take a deep breath.... call your dr.... continue good sleep, good nutrition, hydrate & self quarantine..... best advice is your Drs advice..... Kiki:深呼吸,打電話給您的醫生,保持良好的睡眠,良好的營養,水分和自我隔離;最佳建議是您的醫生建議。
Charlene Brogan Reinis Draugs , your doctor probably is the one to hand out advice. However since you asked this group, I can share what I have seen and heard. Many people have asked if food can be a source for COVID-19 and the answer is, “no,” it is a respiratory disease. Of course scientists are still learning about the virus. Wear a face covering. Micro droplets can float in the air long after an infected person passes through an indoor area with little air circulation. Interferon may help fight the virus but there is no evidence of that. My gut feeling is it will help if I don’t get an overwhelming amount of virus at once. Best wishes to you Reinis. Charlene:Reinis,您的醫生可能是最能提供建議的人。但因為您在這個群組提問,我分享我所看到和聽到的內容。許多人問食物是否可以成為新冠肺炎的來源,答案是“不會”,這是一種呼吸道疾病。當然,科學家仍在研究該病毒。戴上口罩。感染者經過空氣不太流通的室內區域很長時間後,病毒就會漂浮在空氣中。干擾素可能有助於抵抗病毒,但沒有直接證據顯示。我的認知是,如果我不是感染大量病毒的病患,干擾素治療將會有所幫助。Reinis,祝您好運。
Gabriele Ahern Self Isolate, seek medical advice and get yourself tested. Fingers crossed you didn’t pick up enough of the virus for it to infect you. Thinking of you, so terrifying. Gabriele:自我隔離,尋求醫療建議並接受檢查。祝您好運,期盼您沒有被太多的病毒感染。您的遭遇實在太恐怖了。
Reinis Draugs Currently is 5th day after it happend, and i feel goood. This year also my alergies was much more less active, almost gone. I think its because of Besremi. Mainly i dont feel more difference yet, maybe it need more time then 3 months to run. I will post large update on my Besremi post later, about everything numbers and feelings about this drug. What i deffinetely feel is that it made me more resistant to colds, beofre i was sick all the time but not any more. Also i feel more depresed few days after shot, whitch is also later gone. Will see what it brings with cov19, by now i feel well. I will test for cov19 after few days and also post results. Reinis: 目前是發生的第5天,我感覺很好。我的過敏症狀在今年也不再這麼頻繁出現,幾乎消失了。我認為是因為藥華藥新一代干擾素Besremi。目前尚未感到有所不同,也許還需要再用它治療三個月。我之後會更新我對於藥華藥新一代干擾素Besremi包含相關數字和感受上的心得。我明顯感受到它可以更抵抗感冒,因為過去我一直都在生病,但現在都不再發生了。另外我在注射後幾天感到沮喪的狀況,後來也消失了。我會看看新冠肺炎能帶給我什麼。幾天後,我將進行新冠肺炎檢測並且更新結果。 |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 08:33:08
第 8730 篇回應
臨床試驗進度上 未列 B肝進度。 (C肝進度有列) 未列 干擾素用於新冠狀肺炎緊急授權使用 |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 08:02:06
第 8729 篇回應
人,輸在脾氣,贏在和氣,衷心希望各位和氣生財! Starya您到亞獅康看看咱與天命地對話,咱可是[苦守寒窯18年],後來一念之差將重倉4743換成6446重倉, 然後今天看到二家的表現,6446仍處虧損,不免埋怨一番僅此而已, 家人健康出了點問題,這是個人在此最後一貼,最後還是衷心希望各位和氣生財! 健康就是財富,沒了健康你也枉然!
......................................................................................... 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/5 下午 12:45:28第 2512 篇回應 ... 會員:ROGER588910144700 發表時間:2017/6/23 上午 10:50:10第 534 篇回應 FB825的價值隱約藏在這篇!湿疹领域:新重磅药地带www.yyjjb.com/html/2016-12/30/content_245982.htm 公司派說5億美元之上何來吹噓??? ................................................................................... 遲到的5.3億美元,終於讓咱吐了一大口怨氣!!! ..................................................................................... 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/4/19 上午 10:28:54第 2462 篇回應 會員:ROGER588910144700 發表時間:2018/1/10 下午 10:41:37第 18 篇回應 FB825已擁有超級明星的架式!!!20元以下買入地投資者,誠心建議抱牢牢看大片上演! ........................................................................................ 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/11 上午 10:27:03第 2541 篇回應 [神]的買點出現在2月崩跌那段,而咱是苦守寒窯十八年得來的成果,當時是被冷嘲熱諷不已! 希望幸運之神早日降臨亞獅康。 ............................................................................................ 會員:天命10141925 發表時間:2020/5/11 上午 08:55:56第 2539 篇回應 ROGER 兄合一 目前盤前漲停 ,4/15 以來大漲180億市值(4/15 市值110億,5/11 290億) 您眼光超厲害!
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 07:57:13
第 8728 篇回應
如獲優先審查資格,審查時間將可標準審核期的 10 個月縮短為 6 個月,最快於 2020 年第 4 季取得美國藥證根據 FDA 的審查流程,FDA 會將送件資 料送各部門進行資料的完整性審查,一般會在送件後 60 天左右正式通知進入實質性 審查,如獲優先審查資格也會一併通知 ————- 年報第三頁
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會員:小正正10142326 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 07:47:34
第 8727 篇回應
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 06:40:24
第 8726 篇回應
有的是時間陪你玩 後續會有一些你意想不到的事等著你唷
好害怕喔! |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 06:34:12
第 8725 篇回應
盡在不言中。 |
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會員:starya10147863 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 06:27:06
第 8724 篇回應
要不要先PO出個報案單讓大家看看 我會耐心等待警察通知 然後看看有哪個檢察官會來起訴我 加油唷
有的是時間陪你玩 後續會有一些你意想不到的事等著你唷
會員:Linbad10148532 發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 06:14:18第 8723 篇回應 希望查出來
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 06:14:18
第 8723 篇回應
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 05:53:34
第 8722 篇回應
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 05:44:56
第 8721 篇回應
我們就約見面 大家打開這一年來的對帳單 看看有沒有買進賣出 然後對照一下在論壇上的發言 彼此看看對方是哪一種人
或是,我虧了錢,你賠? |
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會員:starya10147863 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 05:43:12
第 8720 篇回應
千萬別嘴砲 快去報警唷 您北等你∼ 自由 恐嚇 ? 想到甚麼都可以亂發言 程度在哪?
你去任意論壇發一下想要犯案的留言看看會不會有事 在論壇就代表可以自由到無法無天? 可笑! 在股市論壇買了喊多 賣了喊空 只想吃散戶豆腐的投機客 還可以自稱投資者? 可笑x2
看你們的發文自然就知道你們是哪種人了 給你們反白的機會也不敢 |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 05:20:37
第 8719 篇回應
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 05:12:24
第 8718 篇回應
萬歲萬萬歲。 |
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會員:starya10147863 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 05:01:47
第 8717 篇回應
笑死人 這叫冷嘲熱諷? 之前我對Linbad說過的對你仍然適用 我們就約見面 大家打開這一年來的對帳單 看看有沒有買進賣出 然後對照一下在論壇上的發言 彼此看看對方是哪一種人
我對於想吃散戶豆腐的投機客是絕對不會客氣的 希望你不是這種人
========================== 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:53:56第 8716 篇回應 第6感失靈+有人熱潮冷諷,自我封關半年升級!!! 咱投資藥華幾年?自己去找! |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:53:56
第 8716 篇回應
第6感失靈+有人熱潮冷諷,自我封關半年升級!!! 咱投資藥華幾年?自己去找! |
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會員:starya10147863 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:52:50
第 8715 篇回應
1. 要嘴砲大家都會 證明何在 2. 張數幾張跟是不是投機者 短線客的關聯何在
你最近的流言確實就是個投機者 要不要捫心自問一下? 這裡如果每次發言都要附一下當天的對帳單 相信哪個人發言是用哪種心態 大家都可以一清二楚
就是因為板主不管或者沒權限可管 這裡才會那麼亂
========================== 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:38:48第 8713 篇回應 公司會專線請您去開股東會的張數,自己猜吧! 回覆本文 回上市櫃討論區1頁 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:29:51第 8712 篇回應 林老師卡好,真有看咱留言? ......................................................................................
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/6 上午 02:24:56第 8507 篇回應 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/5 上午 09:14:13第 8481 篇回應 ...您才嘔氣 林老師我是嘔死!曾經重壓合一張數>>藥華現在是合一張數<<藥華 ................................................................. |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:47:38
第 8714 篇回應
.............................................................................. 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/17 下午 03:56:29第 8704 篇回應 唉!百密一疏重倉失誤 |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:38:48
第 8713 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:29:51
第 8712 篇回應
林老師卡好,真有看咱留言? ......................................................................................
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/6 上午 02:24:56第 8507 篇回應 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/5 上午 09:14:13第 8481 篇回應 ...您才嘔氣 林老師我是嘔死!曾經重壓合一張數>>藥華現在是合一張數<<藥華 ................................................................. |
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會員:starya10147863 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 04:19:28
第 8711 篇回應
注意你的留言很久了 最近吃相也太難看了吧 想別人幫你抬轎想瘋了嗎? 這裡的論壇就像沒人在管的一樣 任由一些短線客 投機客肆無忌憚的發言 板主可以管一下嗎?
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 12:17:16第 8709 篇回應 開盤氣勢ㄉ輸慘慘,2倍量沒漲停,被合一超車是必然結果! |
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會員:盧有枝10149122 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 12:35:51
第 8710 篇回應
依據過往的經驗WHO有可能會公布治療新冠肺炎的標準用藥嗎? 越來越多世界頂尖的科學家表示這隻病毒很難會消失,真期待藥華藥的干擾素可以臨床治療∼ |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 12:17:16
第 8709 篇回應
開盤氣勢ㄉ輸慘慘,2倍量沒漲停,被合一超車是必然結果! |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 下午 12:11:40
第 8708 篇回應
測試第6感靈敏度,今天外資投信買,統一賣.收盤看準確度. |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/18 上午 09:22:45
第 8707 篇回應
人比人氣死人 股比股還是氣死人 一念之差的結果就是兩極 |
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會員:Linbad10148532 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 下午 08:32:55
第 8706 篇回應
合一95.8元 亞康獅4.7元
不過合一只到二期臨床, 雖然有授權金,但是臨床試驗費用自己出,費用不在少數 里程碑金收的到,看是否做到三期並拿到藥證。 未定之天。
藥華長期可以買,短期波動。 |
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會員:小林10142678 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 下午 06:47:07
第 8705 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 下午 03:56:29
第 8704 篇回應
....................................................................................... 會員:ROGER588910144700 發表時間:2019/3/7 上午 09:07:26第 6153 篇回應 合一也要開獎啦? 合一生技股份有限公司普通股股票(股票代號:4743)因有重大事項待公布,自108年3月7日起暫停在證券商營業處所買賣。看看低價股的衝勁能否帶動藥華!
[會員:ROGER588910144700 發表時間:2019/2/21 下午 第 6028 篇回應 短線4743合一或許較有表現 TFDA藥證差不多也快公布了]
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 下午 03:40:55
第 8703 篇回應
投信法人大買數日,為什麼藥華原地踏步 走??? 合一將在下週超越藥華???
.............................................................................. ................................................................................ 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/14 上午 08:53:23第 8677 篇回應 靠夭囉 那下下一站超越藥華???(市值早超越) 回覆本文 回上市櫃討論區1頁 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/14 上午 08:47:35第 8676 篇回應 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/6 上午 09:25:05第 8512 篇回應 沒什意外 合一4743應該很快也會創新高 .................................................................................... 下一站超越潤泰集團的中裕/浩鼎??? |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 上午 09:46:21
第 8702 篇回應
各位的2顆眼球聚焦在新冠,患者2顆眼球也一樣! [品牌藥物]廣告行銷最佳時機Just Do It! 公司錢不多省點花就是. ............................................................................................. 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/4/17 上午 08:56:32第 8363 篇回應 Humira年銷售額再創紀錄,連續7年占據全球藥品銷售額榜首~200億美元,廣告行銷費超過100億台幣(藥華1.2億台幣) 當下154億顆眼球全聚焦在肺炎,也就是[品牌藥物]廣告行銷最佳時機Just Do It! ................................................................................ 會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/4/17 上午 07:14:22第 8361 篇回應 會員:andytom10148211 發表時間:2020/4/16 下午 10:56:07第 8358 篇回應 我想歐洲銷售夥伴要求提前備藥及增加藥品數量才是重點吧! .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ..再看看增資說明書63頁(1.2億台幣廣告費) 5.為因應本公司新藥 Besremi®於美國之新藥上市行銷廣告推廣,擬與美國廣告行銷公司簽訂金額約美金 4,100 千元之行銷廣告服務合約。.....其他自行揣測,肚子餓了喝卡非吃早餐去! |
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會員:小正正10141351 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 上午 09:33:47
第 8701 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 上午 09:33:21
第 8700 篇回應
新增好幾個國家,不知Alan Liu能否預告上半出貨時程與數量?? ........................................................................................
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/4/24 上午 08:27:49第 8426 篇回應 會員:小正正10142326 發表時間:2020/4/21 下午 05:21:17第 8419 篇回應 www.aoporphan.com/global_en/individual-treatments?topic=hematooncology
AOP官網BESREMi® AUSTRIA CZECH REPUBLIC GERMANY HUNGARY UNITED KINGDOM DENMARK ITALY ........................................................................
會員:新進10143606 發表時間:2020/4/19 上午 12:11:27第 8386 篇回應 歐洲雖然不是藥華藥的獲利主戰場,但歐洲市場是美國市場的試金石,有了歐洲市場的進度與銷售參考… .......再者AOP是藥華藥歐洲第一線的經營者也最貼近市場營銷, 立即要求公司增加供應針劑的備量,應付未來患者的需求, ........................................................................... 新增好幾個國家,咱更關注AOP今年出貨時程與數量何時公布???? ...................................................................................... 會員:Alan Liu10136094 發表時間:2020/5/14 下午 09:18:36第 8679 篇回應 各位投資先進大家好: 截至目前藥華藥P1101Besremi開始銷售國家 1德國 2奥地利 3斯洛維尼亞 4丹麥 5義大利 6愛爾蘭 7英國 8捷克 9匈牙利 10法國 11希臘 |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 上午 09:25:40
第 8699 篇回應
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/4/20 上午 11:52:55第 8408 篇回應 摘自子陵微博: photo.weibo.com/1251560221/wbphotos/large/mid/4491773134950642/pid/4a994b1dly1gdndwbtd39j217z1kwb29 这是目前所有COVID-19临床试验总结,包括试验采用的手段,试验地区,各种试验数量,方法(RCT etc.),试验人数等等。目前中国有89个临床试验,美国有50个;目前全球301个临床试验以治疗为主,最常见的是氯喹/羟氯喹,共有89个试验,其次是20个克力芝试验,而后是19个IL-6抑制剂试验,10个康复血清试验,9个Remdesivir试验,8个ACEI/ARB试验,7个疫苗试验。 ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................
P1101的決勝戰場是在PV/ET這類需要[長期甚或終生] 使用藥物的疾病。 ..............................................................................
目前全球301个临床试验,持續增加中,更何況一定會有疫苗問世!!! P1101的決勝戰場是在PV/ET這類需要[長期甚或終生] 使用藥物的疾病。 P1101在COVID-19臨床當成廣告擴大眼球吸睛度卡實在。 |
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會員:davis10149298 |
發表時間:2020/5/17 上午 06:45:13
第 8698 篇回應
引用2018-03-23 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導: ∙∙∙林國鐘強調,藥華申請美國藥證「只有怎麼過,沒有過不過的問題」。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/16 下午 11:24:15
第 8697 篇回應
肺炎臨床也是藥華開發新適應症很重要的一次經驗 如果臨床失敗,是不是要像浩鼎一樣說是臨床設計問題,要重做實驗? 又或者要像星星一樣,改走另一條路(合併用藥??)
肺炎臨床是藥華在美國經營發展很重要的第一次嘗試 第一次從無到有規劃臨床實驗,C肝和B肝已經有一週一次的干擾素, PV在歐洲從臨床設計到藥證申請是AOP做出來的,這個經驗不是藥華的 肺炎是新領域新的疾病,藥華在研發和臨床設計無前例可循
C肝和B肝已經浪費了十年 高層領這多錢,這次肺炎臨床是管理層薪水價值展現的時候
肺炎是新領域新的疾病,藥華在研發和臨床設計無前例可循 肺炎臨床是藥華很重要的第一次嘗試 這麼重要的第一次當然要關注
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會員:春和景明10141799 |
發表時間:2020/5/16 下午 10:00:28
第 8696 篇回應
Remdesivir臨床實驗全球是收了數千個病患,Remdesivir是重度 P1101規劃是輕度,那病患是收多少? 這個臨床會花多少錢有人知道嗎? 不關注臨床實驗是要讓公司隨便亂花? 幾十億募資還沒進公司口袋 臨時又多出這個臨床,這筆支出會不會排擠到ET的臨床? 會不會因此又出資金缺口,又需要募資??
肺炎臨床花的也是股東的錢,沒人希望這筆錢白花了,當然要關注!!! |
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會員:小林10142678 |
發表時間:2020/5/16 下午 07:15:59
第 8695 篇回應
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會員:小正正10141351 |
發表時間:2020/5/16 下午 12:23:05
第 8694 篇回應
MAY 15, 2020
Treatment with interferon-α2b speeds up recovery of COVID-19 patients in exploratory study
****不知道藥華藥公司於4月16日布新藥治療新冠肺炎 擬向美FDA申請臨床試驗新聞,進度如何?是無疾而終?還是持續進進行,靜待消息?
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會員:Sunfive10145942 |
發表時間:2020/5/16 上午 12:59:34
第 8693 篇回應
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 下午 07:15:45
第 8692 篇回應
會員:Sunfive10145942 發表時間:2020/5/15 下午 02:23:05 第 8690 篇回應 今年到現在歐洲都還未出過貨? 挺奇怪的呀!!! 需求不高? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我的了解是 ..... 之前有問過公司, 公司去年底出貨係供AOP上半年使用! 目前看來, 藥華 AOP 合作模式可能還是遵循每半年出貨一次! 此故, 或許可以推估6-7月間應該會有下半年需求出貨才是, 然後年底前再出貨一次 (供2021上半年需求)! |
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會員:王先生10149022 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 下午 03:42:53
第 8691 篇回應
EHA 2020 poster European Hematology Association (EHA) 2020歐洲血液學會大會-海報
reurl.cc/z851Za |
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會員:Sunfive10145942 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 下午 02:23:05
第 8690 篇回應
今年到現在歐洲都還未出過貨? 挺奇怪的呀!!! 需求不高? |
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 09:57:06
第 8689 篇回應
YES, 5/13 已經詢問投資人關係發言人 , 她說 D60 沒收到 priority review 通知! 所以 D75 期待能平順 , 順利沒有 太多枝枝節節 就阿彌陀佛了! |
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會員:李阿輝10147886 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 09:34:30
第 8688 篇回應
我同意小林大 D60沒有 D74應該很難 剛剛上FDA的官網有看到這段敘述 FDA informs the applicant of a Priority Review designation within 60 days of the receipt of the original BLA 意思是有優先審查60天內就會通知了
來源 www.fda.gov/patients/fast-track-breakthrough-therapy-accelerated-approval-priority-review/priority-review |
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會員:小林10142678 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:55:44
第 8687 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:54:42
第 8686 篇回應
請問Alan Liu10136094,M網的AlanLiu0508可是假悟空??? |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:49:10
第 8685 篇回應
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會員:小林10142678 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:41:48
第 8684 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:37:24
第 8683 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:22:30
第 8682 篇回應
公司5/13發重訊時這段[因為公司尚未收到FDA正式來函,故先保守依照標準審核時間為即日起10個月認定] 請問為什麼不加註上去??? |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/15 上午 08:11:00
第 8681 篇回應
居廟堂之高的Alan Liu10136094您這一貼,咱也模糊不清有無優先審查囉! Orz.
而因為公司尚未收到FDA 正式來函, 故先保守依照標準審核時間為即日起10個月認定! 而因為公司尚未收到FDA 正式來函, 故先保守依照標準審核時間為即日起10個月認定! 而因為公司尚未收到FDA 正式來函, 故先保守依照標準審核時間為即日起10個月認定! ............................................................................................. 小陳5202 您好, 因截至台灣時間5月13日早上6點前(美國時間5月12日下午6點)藥華藥未獲FDA 之refuse-to-file通知,因此藥華藥於台灣時間5月13日(美國時間5月12日)正式進入藥證審查階段並重訊公告投資人周知。 而因為公司尚未收到FDA 正式來函, 故先保守依照標準審核時間為即日起10個月認定, 詳細審查程序仍依FDA於送件第74天來函(Prescription Drug User Fee Act, PDUFA)予藥華藥為準。 以上資訊供您參考, 謝謝。 .............................................................................................
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/14 下午 09:26:18
第 8680 篇回應
三國司馬懿:我揮劍只有一次,可我磨劍磨了十幾年哪! 台灣新藥版圖接下來有趣囉~ |
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會員:Alan Liu10136094 |
發表時間:2020/5/14 下午 09:18:36
第 8679 篇回應
各位投資先進大家好: 截至目前藥華藥P1101Besremi開始銷售國家
1。德國 2。奥地利 3。斯洛維尼亞 4。丹麥 5。義大利 6。愛爾蘭 7。英國 8。捷克 9。匈牙利 10。法國 11。希臘
以上供各位投資先進參考,謝謝! |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/14 下午 12:23:15
第 8678 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/14 上午 08:53:23
第 8677 篇回應
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/14 上午 08:47:35
第 8676 篇回應
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/6 上午 09:25:05第 8512 篇回應 沒什意外 合一4743應該很快也會創新高 ....................................................................................
下一站超越潤泰集團的中裕/浩鼎??? |
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會員:小正正10142326 |
發表時間:2020/5/14 上午 07:41:31
第 8675 篇回應
May 14, 2020
BetterLife Pharma announces Interferon Alpha-2b Covid-19 news regarding its emergence as a potential treatment for COVID-19
BetterLife Pharma宣布有關干擾素Alpha-2b Covid-19的消息,該消息將其列為COVID-19的潛在治療劑
www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-interferon-emerges-as-potential-treatment-for-covid-19/ May 12, 2020
Interferon emerges as potential treatment for COVID-19
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/13 下午 10:48:13
第 8674 篇回應
file:///E:/Angus%20Private/Angus-Finance/FDA%20review%20process.pdf 第10頁提到的所謂 Day 74 letter
FDA 對新藥申請者在申請後之第74天給予的信函內容大概會涵蓋那些呢? 請看!
3. Day 74 Letter: FDA will follow existing procedures regarding identification and communication of filing review issues in the “Day 74 letter.” For applications subject to the Program, the timeline for this communication will be within 74 calendar days from the date of FDA receipt of the original submission. The planned review timeline included in the Day 74 letter for applications in the Program will include the planned date for the internal mid-cycle review meeting.
The letter will also include preliminary plans on whether to hold an Advisory Committee (AC) meeting to discuss the application.
If applicable, the Day 74 letter will serve as notification to the applicant that the review division intends to conduct an expedited review. |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/13 下午 10:24:33
第 8673 篇回應
此病發展進程慢,眼下二線藥物也有Incyte的Jakafi及Celgene的新藥Inrebic。 若改以患者立場看待,自然希望藥物越快上市越好! |
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會員:AT10147586 |
發表時間:2020/5/13 下午 09:48:49
第 8672 篇回應
當年 Jakafi 二線藥可以獲得 FDA 優先審核for PV and GVHD 治療 , 卻對一線用藥P1101沒給優先審核權! 無言! 真不知道其道理何在? Incyte公關與行銷不錯 ...再次見識到美國優先! |
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會員:ROGER588910148151 |
發表時間:2020/5/13 下午 09:45:51
第 8671 篇回應
盤點2017 年美國FDA 核准上市潛力暢銷新藥 www.biip-dcc.org/Content/Upload/files/PDF/DCCI0001%20%E5%AE%8C%E6%95%B4(Secure).pdf 18支孤兒藥中的3支:Macrilen /Radicava /Austedo用標準審核拿證,沒有優先審查或快速通道或突破性療法! 2017年拿證後至今銷售表現都破數億美元! Austedo’s growth has been encouraging so far, with sales of $412m last year, including a 68% increase to $136m in the last three months of the year on higher volumes. Full-year growth was higher at more than 100%.
會員:ROGER588910148151 發表時間:2020/5/13 上午 09:57:47第 8656 篇回應 會員:新進10143606 發表時間:2020/5/9 上午 12:03:45第 8566 篇回應 ...查過往紀錄FDA過往審查孤兒藥有80%是採優先審查,P1101又是未滿足市場用藥需求的藥... .......................................................................................
不幸P1101丟是另外那20%!!! ........................................................................................
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會員:小企鵝10142872 |
發表時間:2020/5/13 下午 09:41:33
第 8670 篇回應
還是孤兒藥即可 優先與否只差幾個月 都等了好幾年了
如果有機會搭上肺炎的合併療法 我想這才是短線突發的利多 |
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